The Inner Sherpa



“In winning souls for the Master, it is not the first mile of compulsion, duty, or convention that will transform man and his world, but rather the second mile of free service and liberty-loving devotion….” [UB 2084:05]

Teacher Uteah: “The above statement resonates with your personal experience. Each spiritual journey has to start with the first mile, an initiation that has much to do with following the leadings of your conscience and doing what is right out of a sense of duty. There is nothing wrong with that, as it positions you at the starting gate of your spiritual journey.

“The Golden Rule admonished by Jesus was a rule to live by—a directive, a spiritual law, a dictate, a precept, and more. All these words have much to do with being ‘law-abiding’ spiritual citizens who treat others as they want to be treated—an intellectual exercise at first. Yet, this initiation is necessary, as it trains your heart. Don’t you see? By treating others as you want to be treated, you learn to walk in their shoes, rather than to trample them with yours. It is the reason why by abiding by the spiritual law enacted by Jesus, you are led to “the second mile of free service and liberty-loving devotion.”

“As you move past the first milepost, new spiritual landscapes present themselves, as your eyes are no longer fixated on the ground to ensure that you are keeping step with the Golden Rule. By then, your ‘muscle memory’ has been activated and you can now focus on your next developmental stage, coming to experience a thrill similar to the one felt by little birds once they have mastered the art of flying. By trusting the harmonious functioning of their wings, they get to enjoy their new aerial experience fully.

“Once the application of the Golden Rule has primed your emotional heart, you have learned to make decisions based on the highest good—not just on shortsighted personal interests. The sense of duty that was your initial motivation no longer serves as a crutch for of your spiritual development. Love now powers you, and you harvest the joyful dividends of such a Love in Action.

“Dear ones, many of you shy away from taking their first step in the spiritual marathon of life, thinking that they would have to ‘sacrifice’ too much. What an erroneous perception it is! You have been conceived to cross bazillion miles. At each milepost, you will come to realize your enhanced spiritual aerobic capacities. No longer will you look back with regrets, but you will keep your eyes set on the limitless horizon that keeps revealing ever more truth, beauty, and goodness, as those are the mesmerizing gems that pave the road to Paradise.”

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