The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, in order to receive crystal clear messages, you need to completely empty your mind from any thoughts. You need to make room for higher input. It cannot be otherwise. As long as the mind is cluttered by useless thought forms, nothing new can come in. This is the reason why it is so important for each individual to be willing to perform some regular inner ‘spring cleaning.’

“Just as you go through your material belongings and discard those who no longer fit you or please you, are outdated and clutter your living space, you need to look at your inner collectibles in the same fashion. Which thoughts and which feelings are worthy to be displayed in your inner temple and which ones are completely out of place?

“You are born ignorant and for your education, you depend on the passing down of age long wisdom as well as on daily inner revelations. Both require an open mind. Children’s minds are like sponges—curious and eager to understand the world around them. Yet, at some times, many human beings become complacent in their ‘continued education’ and drop out. This results in stagnation at various levels of their being.

“Boredom and standstill are devoid of zest for life. They are ‘stale’ emotions. Life is a continued flow—uninterrupted. Yet, many human beings chose to put a dam on this flow and shut themselves off from fresh input—from the living waters of truth.

“It is an impossibility to fully know the world you live in during the short span of your life. There are a multitude of fields of knowledge that could be investigated—ad infinitum. Those who drop out of their earthly education are missing out on a lot of potential benefits. The mind has to be used in order to remain flexible—otherwise it becomes stiff and unyielding. This will determine the pace of your own growth and evolution.

“Dear ones, regress to the curious little ones who pestered their parents with a multitude of questions. This is the only way to orient yourself on this plane of life and to progress in the accumulation of the treasures of knowledge and understanding that will become integral part of who you are. Knowledge helps you connect the dots and make sense of your life purpose and of your rightful place in the stream of life.”

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