The Inner Sherpa



“The family is the fundamental unit of fraternity in which parents and children learn those lessons of patience, altruism, tolerance, and forbearance which are so essential to the realization of brotherhood among all men.” [UB 941:09]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you are thinking about the value of relationships and about your own personal longings for meaningful and enriching friendships. The Family of Man is God’s creative intention for humanity—not just the creation of individuals in their own right. It is all about family connections: The Family of God.

“God is foremost a Parent. He does not lord over His creatures as an impassible and aloof Sovereign. He shared of Himself–of His precious DNA--with each one of His creatures and therefore has a very real and loving connection with them—as thick as the blood that flows through your veins. He does not create anything on a whim. He ensures that good-will will prevail as well as the spirit of cooperation that makes His creation sustainable.

“Surely, your planet is still far from reaching the ideal state toward which it is evolving. It too is a diamond in the raw suffering through many birth pangs and growth spurts.

“Any new life has to be triggered by the coming together of complementary poles of attraction. Friendships are connections made between various personalities who focus on their common denominators or on how they are mutually complementary. Everything requires a life “spark” in order to be ignited—to be birthed. Isolation is unproductive as it shields the creature from these life-giving sparks that create the fertile soil for new experiences in the inner and outer worlds.

“The flow of energies generated by heartfelt sharing--giving and receiving--is a powerful generator. Isolation is its off switch. As you go through your day, be aware of the opportunities for new positive connections as each one of them is mind and heart-expanding if you allow them to infuse your life with their magic.

“Meaningful relationships are uplifting and fulfilling—they make you feel full and complete. Each party brings something good and constructive to the relationship that is then embraced with joy and gratitude. Those are the relationships you want to cultivate as they have a bright future.

“Other life relationships do not rest on positive values and do not deserve to be labeled as relationships as they are actually the lack thereof. Intimidation, coercion, the resort to fear, guilt and shame, will never generate open-hearted relationships. Free-will is an indispensable requirement to a healthy loving relationship. Evaluate your life relationships so as to recognize whether or not they are sound and contribute positively to your life experience. Discard those relationships that are detrimental and toxic. Ask to be guided toward kindred souls so that you can positively contribute to your mutual life experience. Those are part of your life treasures.”

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