The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk today about open-mindedness and open heartedness. The Master said: “Those who have ears to ear and eyes to see…” Our physical senses can be the witnesses of positive changes but our spiritual senses are even more so tuned to sense Love and Truth. Truth resonates deeply in the mind and Love trigger a positive response into the core of your being, your spiritual heart.

“Truth and Love feel good at all levels. Truth liberates from ignorance and from the guessing game of life. Truth is a precise road map taking you back to your divine origin. Love is the fuel, the motivator, the driving force. A life not driven by love is a wasted life as it does not accumulate the other higher values associated with unconditional love. Love is ever heart expanding. The more you love, the more you expand your heart capacity to receive more love. Truth too is expanding, mind expanding. As your mind gets more and more freed up from the clutters of self-lies and of all untruth, it too does expand to become the depository of more precious higher truth.

“You are the one having the keys to the heart and mind vaults. How do you use these keys? Are your mind and heart tightly closed so as to prevent any potentially harmful influences to come in? Are they pessimist, expecting the worst or are they optimistic, selectively letting in whatever positive information and influence is crossing their path? An optimist is open to receive the good things he/she anticipates. A pessimist is closed up to protect him/herself for perceived threats.

“Around which one of these poles of attraction does your life revolve? Take the time to ponder this question so that you can choose to be an optimist rather than a pessimist in the flow of your life. Optimism automatically generates higher vibration in your whole being while pessimism is an emotional damper that takes you on a downward spiral which is more hurtful to you than any of the imagined threats you wanted to be shielded from. Both optimism and pessimism can be infectious. Which one of these viruses do you want to spread?”

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