Christ Michael: “Dear child, this is Christ Michael. As you pray to Me, I am here. You are asking questions about the nature of prayer and how to put it to good use. Prayer is a powerful energy. The more selfless a prayer is, the higher it reaches. The Father is aware of the needs of all his children and yet, so many needs are not met, due to the unfairness of this world – due to the outworking” of selfishness.
“Selfishness is placing the individual needs about the needs of the whole. It is like a hand being focused only on itself without functioning under the guidance of the eyesight and trying to cut an apple. It could end up bringing harm to itself.
“Prayer--a sincere selfless prayer, is like the connective tissue which is much needed between all the cells of a well functioning organism. Prayer can occur at different levels; it can be the expression of some needs or concerns. It can be the intercession for others and their needs. An honest prayer is definitely the requirement for it to be heard from On High. An honest prayer is coming from the heart, from the very core of an individual. When heartfelt, it connects with the Divine Heart.
“Prayer is opening a channel for the Divine energies to flood your being and also to attach themselves to your most sincere and selfless intentions. It is the divine energy being infused in these intentions and empowering them, activating them. It is the stamp of approval of the Divine and Its stepping in to manifest the outcome in a positive way.
“In some cases, the prayer has to be reinterpreted before it can be answered. It has to be edited so that it qualifies for an answer as the Divine can only answer prayers in alignment with the Divine Purpose.
“Expressing a prayer, formulating a prayer, is the first step in that amazing process. It helps you figure out for yourself what you desire. Is it meaningful? Is it conductive to spiritual growth? Or is it shallow and feather light? The more you express yourself with sincerity, the more you become open to receive guidance and a correction of your course, if necessary, so that your next prayer can have more weight and a higher quality.
“Prayer is a practice like so many other life functions. Eventually, the flow between the individual and the Divine will be more free and unhindered and the answers will be forthcoming more easily. Whether you are starting your prayer life with more generic prayers but filling them with the intentions of your heart or whether you are already able to formulate personal prayers, they all matter as long as they are genuine and heartfelt. Eventually your heart will take over and praying will become the individual expression of your unique personality. It will reflect back to the Divine something that only you can express and it will trigger the Divine to respond to you with a personal version as well.”