“God answers the soul’s attitude, not the words.” [UB 1002:04]
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us elaborate on the above quote. Prayers can mean different things for different people. What do they mean for God or rather, which type of prayers are meaningful and are speedily finding their way to the Father’s Heart?
“Words are just that: Words. They can be arranged in pretty sentences, but spoken without being backed up by sincere intentions—lies in disguise. Intentions are like the crayons of a coloring book. The words are like the outline of the sketches. Which colors will be most effective to beautify the picture you are working on?
“Artists cannot rush their work. Many works of art consists of multiple layers that need to be patiently defined and enriched. Water color artists well know that the paint has to dry before they can apply another layer. Otherwise everything would blend in one muddied color.
“The soul’s attitude is what defines the impact of a prayer. Humility is a prerequisite for any prayer “to go a long way.” Pride—its nemesis—is a major roadblock in the successful heavenward launching of a prayer. The originators of a prayer need to literally and figuratively “go down on their knees” to address the Almighty.
“What is the quality of your prayers? Are you proudly standing up like the Pharisees of old or are you humbly kneeling down and bowing your heads like the Publicans? Are you so full of yourself that you fail to recognize your own “areas under construction”?
“Humble prayers are the ones where the creatures recognize that they need help and are much dependent of Higher Powers. They demonstrate a state of inner receptivity rather than “know-it-all” and “know-it-better” attitudes. The words of a prayer need to be genuine in order to pass the divine screening process. The Father has at all times access to the thinking of His creatures and cannot be fooled by hollow and yet beautifully phrased prayers. A wolf in a sheep skin is still a wolf.
“Selflessness –not selfishness—is another powerful soul’s attitude. Praying for the wellbeing of others is a sure sign that you have awakened to the fact that you are part of an extended family and that you have the family spirit. It shows that you are no longer an outsider and that you take to heart the Highest Good—not just your own. Such prayers are like giant umbrellas that you help unfold over situations in need of protection and healing.
“Go within, dear Ones, and ask your Divine Fragment to guide you in the positive evolution of your prayer life. This is where the magic happens. Powerful prayers are heartfelt and selfless; they unfailingly reach the Father’s Heart. In such prayers, the spoken words are in perfect alignment with the purest intentions of the human heart. This is how your Master Jesus prayed and this is the reason why He was able to perform healing miracles. Loving prayers are Agents of Healing-- together with Forgiveness, Compassion, Tolerance, and Mutual Acceptation. Scrutinize your own prayers and see which ones of these elements need to be added to your soul’s attitude in order to give a boost to your prayers.”