The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, as you are reflecting upon this topic this morning, you realize that Jesus was able to forgive instantly those who abused and tormented him. Even in the midst of their teasing and of their physical abuse, He turned His face upwards and asked His Father to forgive them as they do not know what they are doing.

“Why then is it so hard to forgive oneself for real or perceived trespassing of God’s will? Why do these missteps linger for such a long time in human memory banks? As human beings, your perception of the truth content of your life is evolving, which should demonstrate clearly that what you consider as truth at any given time is not absolute truth but is in the constant process of being adjusted and calibrated toward more and more alignment with the Truth, the absolute Truth.

“Many of the human experiences that are causes of regret are being revealed by their outcome as having been based on erroneous ethical and moral parameters. The Father will not hold that against you as He created you as experiential creatures and your interactions with your surroundings and your siblings are meant to add to your soul weight.

“Frequently, things to not go as planned when their outcome is considered by the spiritually short sighted human being. Yet, from the much broader divine perspective, a difficult lesson is a lesson well-learned. You hear frequently on your planet “I learned my lesson” and this is usually connected with a painful life episode that left behind some emotional scaring. However, it made you wiser and peeled away one more layer of your personal ignorance.

“Forgive yourself for your shortcomings as they are mostly due to your ignorance. Those are of the type that the Father instantly forgives as long as your intentions were not based on inequity. The backlashes of these difficult experiences are amazing teachers as they do not feel good. In some way, they chastise the creatures for their misalignment with the divine will. The Father is Love and this is the only substance He will add to that unfortunate experience in order to help bring total healing to it.

“Do not dwell on the person you were yesterday; rather, focus on the new you, the you that is constantly being reborn through the process of each one of your current decisions. Forgive yourself so as to be able to move forward with more ease and with a bounce in your steps.”

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