The Inner Sherpa



"There is no error greater than that species of self-deception which leads intelligent beings to crave the exercise of power over other beings for the purpose of depriving these persons of their natural liberties.” [UB 614:03]

Thought Adjuster: “Let us look at Mankind as one organism. Indeed, as many have already recognized it, the Revelation of Oneness is a game changer. Why is it so?

“The mind resides at the Head Quarter of your being, as it is the organ that weighs the pros and cons of potential decisions. Ideally, the pros benefit the highest good of all—in contrast with the cons that contravene it. Sadly, such an ideal decision- making process has not yet been reached on your planet and appears as very utopic.

“When the mind thinks in terms of highest good, it is ‘collaborating’ with the heart and the heart acts as the filtering and purification system of the mental process. Once validated by the gut feeling of the heart, decisions can be ‘actualized’ through the services of the body that dutifully follows the leadings of its deserving superiors. This is how Truth, Beauty and Goodness come to be expressed in your life and in your world.

“All of you are very familiar with such a process, as it is what you experience within your being. You are constantly faced with the disharmonious clashing of some aspects of yourself. Your body clamors for attention and ‘rebels’ against the divinely appointed order of things—mind over matter, or rather heart and mind over matter. Such intestine skirmishes are detrimental to your overall wellbeing.

“The same unsatisfactory state of affairs is reflected at the planetary level. As long as those among you, who are enjoying a greater IQ, put it to use only to cheat others out of their ‘natural liberties,’ instead of lovingly using it to serve the whole body of mankind, suffering and handicaps will keep riddling this greater organism.

“Wouldn’t it be ideal to appoint those identified as having ‘big hearts’ as advisors of those endowed with great IQs—and vice versa? They would thus create a wonderful balance of power and their loving decisions would be respected and applauded by all the cells of the body of humanity, as all of them would be functioning optimally—according to their specific job description, their individual life’s plan.

“Your world will not miraculously become settled in Light and Life. Yours is to go within and ask what is yours to do as a responsible cell of the body of mankind? Only you can perform that function optimally. Are you up to it? Or would you rather blame the whole world for the lack of positive results? Change begins from within. Not only will it greatly benefit you individually, but it will also serve the whole organism.”

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