The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you were just reading about the various stages of evolution of your planet—the millions over millions of years it took for it to become the cradle of humanity. All these millions of years were necessary for the environment to be suitable for human lives. The Father does not rush anything and quality does take time in many ways.

“The establishment of life on the planet underwent a very thorough process—each stage being the foundation for the next one to occur. The planetary orb grew through the accumulation of meteorites; then came the time for its atmosphere to appear; it experienced ages of torrential rains; ice ages; ages of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes; the appearance of marine life… etc. It seems that a lot of destruction and reconstruction was taking place during these lengthy ages. Yet, each stage was adding to the planetary landscape to make it inhabitable. The Father was preparing the planetary nursery. The same goes for your own personal journey. It has many identifiable phases.

“As you grow older, you can look at your life from this evolutionary perspective. Your physical life naturally flows through various stages of growth—gestational, babyhood, childhood, adolescence… etc. But if you look more in depth, you will also be able to discern the various “st-ages” of your spiritual growth.

“The tribulations of life are like the physical phenomena that shaped the planet. Your inner being is being sculpted as well by the various spiritual and emotional climates that bathe your life experience. There are days when “it heavily rains on your parade” and there are days filled with bursts of sunny emotions. There are moments when your life seems to be shaken to the ground so that it can emerge again stronger and in better alignment with your divine curriculum.

“Without this constant movement, there would be no change. The absence of movement is stagnation and death. The planet was not “victimized” by floods and earthquakes. It was being constructed and birthed. Just the same, learn to look at your life from that perspective. Whenever it appears that your world is down spiraling and seems to be crashing down, understand that it is just a temporary phase of its construction. Ashes provide a very fertile soil.

“Place your hand in the Father’s Hand so that you can preserve a feeling of safety in the midst of your greatest challenges. You are never alone and you are always loved. You matter and you are not expandable in the Father’s Heart. Build an unshakable faith that is not dependent on the emotional atmosphere of your life or of the world. Plant deep roots in the fertile soil of your trials and tribulations and your whole being will grow and bring forth the precious fruits of Spirit. This is your evolutionary process. It may take you through dark ages, ice ages, and through the four seasons of your life. You will eventually break through the ground and emerge in Light and Life. What a celebration it will be once you gain sovereignty of your own being!”

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