The Inner Sherpa



"Let us start right away so that you know that what is coming through to you is independent of your own thinking. I want to demonstrate to you that I am right here and that it is My input that is flowing in your mind right now.

“Thank you for honestly confiding in Me. It is so important to be honest with oneself and to truthfully depict the situation for which you are soliciting advice. Any distortion of your reality may distort the feedback you receive as all meaningful feedback has to occur on the foundation of Truth. Truth, Beauty, and Goodness are the operative words in the Father’s Creation. Beauty and Goodness can only be manifested on the foundation of Truth, more Truth, and nothing but the Truth.

“When you look at the state of affairs in your country at this time of political campaigning, you witness the confusion that is occurring due to the fact that so many lies are intertwined with threads of truth—thus weaving a very disharmonious tapestry. Such a state of confusion speaks for itself. In some manner, it reveals the dangerous shakiness of its foundation.

“I am your Truth Detector. I am omniscient. Don’t you think I should be the One to turn to whenever you feel conflicted about information fed to you by the mass media or by individuals with misguided agendas or tainted character? Whom do you want to follow: Teachers of Truth with high credentials or conniving disseminators of untruth? Ages ago, Lucifer asserted his leadership by deceiving the trust of those he was meant to guide toward Light and Life. As a consequence, much darkness pervaded your beautiful planet.

“Those who turned to the Most High for guidance remained stalwart in their earthly career. It takes courage to be truthful but courage is also generously provided to you through the spiritual influence of the Adjutant Mind Spirit of Courage. You see, there is much loving guidance along your daily path. Solicit it and it will be joyfully and generously provided to you.”

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