The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you were just reading in the UB [Paper 100, Part 5] that the direct communion with the Divine Fragment within you occurs gradually in the super-conscious zone of your being. Among the various human quests to know the Divine, the most effective one is to promote the unification of the personality “toward the psychic, emotional and spiritual knowledge of God.”

“Many among you may claim that their personality is balanced and unified. It may be so at a very superficial level involving the few layers of your very complex being you are ‘conscious’ of. Yet, are you balanced and unified at the super-conscious level?

“Your personality could be compared to the various layers of an onion. There is much more to an onion than its outer skin. The human personality encompasses many layers as well—the physical layer interacts with the material world in which it lives for a short life span. In many ways, the physical body is the womb of your soul—the environment in which a healthy soul is supposed to develop during the gestational period of the physical life.

“Just as a baby leaves its mother’s womb to emerge as its own entity once all the prerequisites have been met to support its independent life, your soul has been meant to be more fully birthed at the time of your physical death—when it leaves its carnal incubator.

“The reason why it is so important to work toward the unification of personality is that what you achieve while on earth will be transferrable to the worlds beyond. What does unification of personality mean? It implies a harmonious balancing act between the intellectual, emotional and spiritual layers of your being. This is the how you get to experience the Divine as the Divine is a perfect blend of these attributes.

“Life will present you with challenges that are meant to teach you to address their resolution from this threefold perspective. Purely emotional reactions do not serve your highest good. They need to be tempered by reason and by incorporating the values of Truth, Beauty and Goodness in their resolution. This is how you learn to unify your very ‘split personality.’ As in everything else in the creative process, Oneness is the modus operandi—Oneness within yourself that can be reflected on the outside. As you become increasingly unified within, you get to have a more complete experience of the Divine—the Three in One.”

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