The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear Child, each day is a brand new canvass provided by the Father so that you can ornate it. You are the artist who painstakingly and yet joyfully invests herself in bringing forth the best out of each moment of each day. Will your canvass reflect Truth, Beauty and Goodness? Or will it be another replica of other canvasses, without any originality to it? The Father only deals in originals; He does not repeat Himself as His personality is so rich that it will take many eternities, and more, to express it through the Mass Media of His creatures.

“Isn’t it amazing to thing that there is so much originality embedded in each creature that each effort to bring it to its pure expression will be rewarded by Truth, Beauty and Goodness as these are the core values of the creation--the measuring stick?

“Each day, you have a multitude of decisions to make; base them on these core values. Being a Co-Creator with the Father means that you co-create based on the same creative values so that your offering can be acceptable to Him. Any hidden agenda will not cut the muster as the Father can only put His seal of approval on creations supported by the intentions of a pure and loving heart. The creation is love infused and so should be the creative endeavors of each creature.

“In this troubled world, much has to be recycled over and over until all the raw materials of a well lived spiritual life can be put to the highest good possible and can become meaningful parts of a healthy whole. You co-create with the Father but, more significantly, the Father co-creates with you. He will express more of Himself through you whenever you are in alignment with His divine purpose of Love and such co-creations will be cherished by the Father.”

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