Teacher: “Dear child, the gifts of Spirit are meant to be shared. The whole creation is involved in the far outreaching process of give and take. Whenever you stop and look around you and within you, you come to the amazing realization that each element of your life, of your being, and of your surroundings is a gift. The first gift of all was the gift of life. It was coupled with the gift of personality. How precious are those gifts? They have been lovingly divinely handcrafted for you specifically. How does it make you feel? How can you be led to believe at times that you do not matter and that the world would be better off without you?
“From our higher perspective, we would like to reveal to these depressed children of time that their vision about their life and about themselves is distorted and needs to be straightened out. The Father’s heart is aching whenever He witnesses the despair taking hold of so many of His creatures and He reaches out from the Heavens to the ones stuck in such an abyss. His reaching out occurs very frequently through the dispatching of loving ministers from the material and/or the spiritual realms.
“It is a visible divine intervention when a brother or sister appears in the life of someone at his/her most urgent time of need. By declaring your availability to be such a divine instrument, you are being included in a type of reserve corps, a human reserve corps of volunteers that can be activated whenever needed. You are in stand by and all that you have to do is to trust that the Father will use you as a go-between, as a messenger in someone’s life.
“How many times did you experience such a divine intervention at your moments of greatest needs? Who intervened? You may recall many of such precious moments when someone or some divinely orchestrated circumstances lifted you out of a seemingly hopeless situation. Again, trust that IT IS SO, that no one is alone and that everyone is surrounded with loving ministers. Once you accept that fact, you stop being in resistance and you remove the hands you had placed to cover your eyes and your ears and that prevented you to see and hear what was in plain sight and at ear shot.
“The truths that are being revealed to humanity at this most amazing time of shift are powerful and practical. By recognizing them and believing in them whole heartedly, you are embracing them in your life as tools of change. A tool is meant to facilitate a task. A tool empowers the one handling it correctly. Truth is a powerful tool for growth as it dispels suffocating untruth and the parasitical lies that are holding people back in their state of ignorance. How blessed are you to live at a time when so much liberating truth is being disseminated. Ask, believe, receive,and BE ALIVE!”