The Inner Sherpa



“... it is not necessary to see God with the eyes of the flesh in order to discern him by the faith-vision of the spiritualized mind.” [UB 25:03]

Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that God needs many Spokespersons. Indeed, each human being with a normal mind has the potential to become His mouthpiece, being indwelled by a Divine Fragment. Take the time to ponder this amazing fact as it could be the most transformative element in your life.

“God loves you so much that He incarnated within you by bestowing to you one of His loyal Fragment! The time has come for humanity to awaken to that fact. You have at all time a Divine Witness living within your mind! He is not your conscience. He is your Eternal Companion if you choose to honor His Presence within you. If you fail to do so, you treat Him as an unwanted and unwelcome trespasser and squatter. How do you think that makes Him feel—He who comes in Love and Peace, with the sole agenda to guide you to the glories of Paradise and of a life well lived?

“Dear ones, learn to live each day fostering your awareness of your Divine Companion. This will be the most natural conversion experience you may have, as it is divinely preordained. It will transform your whole life, as you will take into account your Inner Guide whenever called upon to make life’s decisions—big or small. It will instill you with increased wisdom, one of the multiple facets of His much underutilized expertise.

“Turn within frequently—whether it is just to say Hi or whether it is to sollicit His advice. The more often you acknowledge His constant Presence within your being, the more frequently you will feel the impulse to ‘drop in’ to share some quality time, and the ‘tighter’ you will become in your friendship. It will radically transform the way you live your life and you will suddenly be experiencing regular growth spurs. Trust Me, you will like this spiritual makeover and will start appreciating who you are at a much deeper level—becoming aware of all the beautiful gifts contained in your unique personality and meant to be lovingly put to higher service.”

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