The Inner Sherpa



Oregon, April 14, 2020

Thought Adjuster

Subject: “Are You Studying the Owner’s Manual?”

“When men search for God, they are searching for everything. When they find God, they have found everything. The search for Godis the unstinted bestowal of love attended by amazing discoveries of new and greater love to be bestowed.” [UB 117:6:9]

Message received by Anyas

Thought Adjuster: “You wonder how Jesus learned to commune with the Father in Him, thus promoting His Thought Adjuster to the advanced operative status of Thought Controller. You wish to know more about the personal techniques He developed.

To put it in a nutshell, the human Jesus was no different than anyone of you. He, too, started from Ground Zero in His relationship with the Divine. He was not born holding a printed copy of the Owner’s Manual. However, He did help to put one together. What was different about Him was His reliance on the intuition that fueled His can-do-spirit—His heartfelt and focused motivation to get to that place of union with the higher dimension of His being. He also differed from you in the fact that He incarnated to pave the way for the activation and actualization of the divine matrix in each one of you.

He disposed of the same tools as you do. Therefore, what He achieved at an accelerated pace compared to the baseline of your spiritual and emotional growth curves is DOABLE—within YOUR reach. The questions are: “How hard are you trying? How wisely are you investing the precious time allotted to you on this planet?”

One thing is for sure: Jesus completed with flying colors the collective human assignment to get fully attuned to the best-informed leadings of your indwelling Divine Fragment. What you need to understand is that it is an individual journey that takes place on the inner—a mysterious invisible realm. It is the reason why it appears as very challenging to anyone.

However, what Jesus grasped early in life is that it was the role of His Divine Adjuster to guide Him in His inner explorations. It did not happen overnight but over time through sheer perseverance on His part and the altruist desire to succeed where none had in planetary history—thus breaking through a glorious spiritual ceiling and revealing to all the ins and outs of the ascension process.

Each of you is making colorful entries in their travel log—a journal that you will share for the all-around benefit. The saying goes that “all roads lead to Rome.” All spiritual trails will ultimately lead to Paradise, no matter how many twists and turns they may undergo.”

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