The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear one, you witness every morning the re-birth of a new day when the sun appears on the horizon and start shining its light and diffusing its warmth. Actually, the sun never stops doing so; it is only your human perception from your localized position on earth that makes it appear so.

“From your perspective, night is the dividing line between each day. Each day is a blank canvass which gives you the opportunity to practice over and over the skills you need to master in your ascension process.

“Whenever you are successful at weeding out of your being some unwanted habit or trait of character, you truly experience a rebirth as a part of you is being born to its true nature--a part of you is finding its alignment with its matrix of perfection.

“Your character is like a most magnificent flower which is struggling to get rid of the invasive weeds and aphids that are threatening to choke her to death. A beautiful character needs to be fed with soul fertilizers. Just as the soil of a beautiful garden is being enriched with horse manure, your character is also in some paradoxical way thriving when it is challenged by life situations.

“If you choose to resent and resist them, you are living like a caterpillar that refuses to metamorphose into a butterfly. There is timing to each birth and when you resist the divine timing, you run the risk of aborting the soul butterfly. There is much sadness in Heaven when we witness the collapse of what had the potential to be a magnificent and liberated soul.

“Rebirth is a process of liberation--liberation from the enslavement of the self-centered ego. There are many moments during each day when you can choose to be reborn. They occur whenever you consciously choose to operate differently; this opens new doors of self-discovery and, as you change, your whole universe changes.

“As above, so below could be also stated As within, so without. You constantly experience this without realizing it. Your moods and your state of mind are fluctuating; based on how you feel at any given moment, your surroundings may appear to you joy-filled or joy-devoid. The joy does not come from them, it comes from within you. It is like the salt you sprinkle on your food to make it tastier. Become more aware of your feelings so that you can consciously intervene when they are straying off course. It is like sitting at the steering wheel of your vehicle and making necessary adjustments at the road curves in order not to land in a ditch.

“Become aware of the power God gave you when He gave you free will. Ensure that your will has remained free as so many human beings have alienated their free will or have been deprived of it by ill-intentioned siblings. Learn as a human being to respect the free will of others. This is another step toward developing your God likeliness.”

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