Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that your soul needs to be fed adequately. It is embryonic and needs to be sustained with nutritious spiritual baby food. What do I mean by that? After leaving the womb after its first 9-month gestation, the baby is still in a gestational state as the little one cannot survive on its own and is entirely dependent on the loving care of its parents.
“As children grow and upon their first moral decision, they become more autonomous as they have demonstrated that they are well equipped for soul survival. Yet, in order to be sustainable, the soul has to be fed adequately. It is too sad that so many human beings are not aware of this aspect of their being and focus instead on catering mainly to the needs of their body. A well-nourished body is not necessarily a productive body if its owner lives in a vegetative mental, emotional, and spiritual state.
“Your mind, your heart and your soul have to be cultivated as well. This is why they all display various levels of thirst and hunger. Your mind’s curiosity is your mental thirst; it can be quenched by being receptive to new intelligent data in order to make better sense of your existence.
“Your heart has been meant to be the recipient of love and it withers away losing its beauty if it is not receptive to the various expressions of love. Your heart is part of a much bigger circulatory system and love is meant to be circulated throughout the whole cosmos in order to stay alive and to remain empowered.
“Your spirit has to be carefully nurtured as well. At first, your human caretakers will assume this task until such time as you can take charge of your own being. At all times, you have access to Me—your Spiritual Dietician. Upon your asking, I will draw your attention to meaningful clues. Yours will be to decide to freely follow them and act upon them. My reason of being within you is to empower your higher self and to present it with many growth opportunities and triggers for valuable action. On some days, I am met with resistance as you fail to recognize your spiritual appetite. On other days, I am met with gratitude as you realize that your spiritual needs have been recognized and you gratefully experience an “ah-ha moment—a personal epiphany.
“Be curious; be courageous; be resourceful—those are the traits exhibited by a true explorer. Curiosity is the initiator of your quest; courage is its driving force, and resourcefulness is the content of your precious backpack. I am the GPS always pointing to Home. What is holding you back?”