The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, there is a peaceful core within you. This is where I reside and where you can commune with Me. I am the Peace within you that passes all understanding. This is an integral quality of whom I am and I can exert a peaceful influence upon your being whenever you turn inward to drink from My fountain of peace.

“To commune with this type of peace, you need to become peaceful. You cannot enter in such a sacred space with a boisterous and noisy behavior as it would instantly dissipate that quality of deep peace. However, if you prepare yourself by calming your being and consciously entering into that Peace Zone, you will be positively affected by this transcending peace and it will expand within you.

“A state of peace is the optimal condition from which to operate in your life – at all levels. Not only will it improve your physical well-being, but it will also make you better equipped to deal with otherwise disturbing events that could take you by surprise if you were not firmly anchored in your peace.

“Being peaceful is being firmly grounded in the Divine. Which better ally could you have to take you safely through your life tribulations and challenges? By connecting to with the fountain of peace, you will be instantly reassured that All is Well.

“Sometimes things need to be shaken up a bit in order to be reorganized and get unstuck. If you do not have the long-sighted understanding of where that processes takes you, you will be overtaken by the fear caused by such unsettling events. Whenever you feel restless, remember that it means that you stepped out of the Peace Zone and that you can, at all time, make the free will choice to step back in. The contrast in your emotional state will be astounding. It is the most powerful anti-depressant there is. Viewed from a place of peace, all is truly well as all is balanced. Whenever there is imbalance, there is unrest and this has to be remedied to by the peace factor.

“Go through your day with the intention in staying in your peace. Keep working at it until your being becomes so peace infused that you are truly becoming a peace commanding presence-- a light house in the stormy climate of the planet. Peace is the safe harbor that each soul is longing for. Peace is within you.”

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