Teacher: “Dear child, you are what we call “Agodonters”- those who believe without seeing. Many of you consider this to be a handicap and wish it could be otherwise. However, if you stop and think about it, this stage of your human life is a blessing by itself. How would you develop a strong faith if it was never tested?
“When you are born on this planet, your spirit is being ‘air-dropped’ in your physical vehicle, just as a paratrooper is being parachuted in foreign territory. At first, you have to orient yourself and discover the lay of your new environment and learn to activate the guidance of your physical senses. What matters is that you keep in mind the objective of your mission—of your earthly life.
“Many among you seem to suffer from amnesia as to that purpose and wander aimlessly distracted by the experiences of their senses. Others intuit that there is a higher purpose to their lives and try to jog their memory by turning within and asking many questions, just like a little child constantly asks his elders for pointers and higher understanding.
“Many also sense that they are part of a much greater reality. They do not allow their ‘blindness’ to be a handicap in their quest for Truth. Spiritual matters may be invisible; yet, they are tangible and can be experienced by those who expand their energies to do so. Once you know what you KNOW, there is an inner strength that develops within you and there is a connection that allows you to be Spirit led.
“Human relationships should also occur at that level of Spirit as you are foremost spiritual beings, i.e. beings that can connect and commune at that level. Do not allow your physical senses to distract you. Go deeper and get to know the essence of your siblings. Just as you get to know some individuals by hearing the tone and the energetic vibration of their voices in a phone conversation, by engaged listening, you will gather much precious information about others and won’t be fooled by the façade they put up in order to camouflage their frailty and vulnerability.
“Dear ones, become ‘Soul Decipherers’ and it will change your perspective by switching your focus from what is visible to the naked eye and frequently leads you to rushed assessments, to what is invisible and yet so real. You are Spirits! Behave as such and your inner world will expand and your human experience will be greatly enhanced. This is how your Master Jesus lived His life, constantly nurturing His connection with Spirit while getting to know His human siblings. The Father fed His soul and He shared these precious nutrients to selflessly “feed His sheep”, whispering to their souls after deciphering them.