The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about the way people choose to live their lives. I use the word “choose” intentionally, even though human beings may not be aware that they are choosing their way of life. Why do I say that?

If you look at the way lives are lived in this world, you will distinguish between at least four main categories: There are those who live on a purely material and materialistic level—thus making matter their one and only reality, without realizing that they are moving through the world with blinders on. Indeed, the glitters of material wealth are blinding.

Then come those who live their lives on an intellectual level, over focusing on the data provided by their gray matter. They may live intelligently, yet, they are not engaging the intelligence of their heart and fail to build lasting relationships with their fellow men. Often, this is coupled with a feeling of superiority, as they equate their IQ with their overall value.

Then, there are those whom you would describe as “big hearted.” Independently of their social and intellectual status, they exude warmth and live with empathy and compassion. They are the human ‘connectors’, as they succeed where the others fail—they build lasting relationships with those they come in contact with. Yet, at times, they may lack discernment and may end up being taken advantage of by ruthless souls.

Finally, there are those who are awakened and who work hard at nurturing their spiritual nature—their true nature, a nature that harmoniously coordinates all of the above. They are far and in-between but will keep growing in number. They will at first feel very estranged from their siblings and feel that they do not belong here. Yet, they are those who are direly needed in order to shift the planetary consciousness toward what truly matters.

Jesus was such a torchbearer and did experience intense moments of grief and of utter loneliness, whenever He was faced with the lack of receptivity of so many of those He had come to save from themselves.

Dear ones, you were born with wings! Strive to get in touch with your spiritual nature, as it is only then that you will be truly alive.”

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