The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear Child, the thought came to your mind that the Divine timing for each spiritual birthing is different as the time of gestation varies depending on what is right for the spiritual creature. Some mortal children are more precocious than others and are born equipped with better genetics based on the achievements of their forefathers and foremothers. The duty of the older siblings is to assist their Divine Parents in the nurturing and raising of their less advanced children, with love.

“This is the reason why the Father in Heaven does not put any pressure on any of His children as He is fully aware of each individual gestational time frame required for the healthy development of the embryonic soul. As you witnessed in your own life, it took many years until you reached your due date and came to understand that each chapter of your spiritual development was needed and could not be skipped nor rushed in order to help you grow more and more into your divine purpose and essence.

“As children start living their life with awareness, the Divine Guidance can mightily step up due to their receptivity. The children come in touch with their spiritual hunger and start using their own discernment as to which spiritual nutrients are needed for their current development. The development of the heart is a slow process as many beings have tightly shut their heart in order to protect it from being vulnerable.

“However, God’s love cannot touch a closed heart and life has to bring forth some situation which will trigger this heart opening and overcome the creature’s resistance. Many times, such a situation occurs at a time of dire need as it is when the creature turns to the Heavens to ask for help and this act of asking opens the mind to receive and eventually trickles into the heart.

“Reflect upon your life and recognize those moments that were catalysts of soul growth. You may not be aware of the growth taking place during those times when you hold to dear life with all your strength and the fear that your soul muscles won’t be strong enough to keep you safe. Yet, you are, at all times, surrounded by a Celestial team who makes sure that no real harm comes to you as long as you keep your eyes turned toward the Light and do not allow the darkness to engulf you.

“What a celebration of life takes place when the heavenly caretakers and glorified nannies witness the spiritual birth of a healthy child! You too come to experience in your lifetime a similar joy whenever you witness the spiritual awakening of yet another sibling. When the child is born in a loving family, the whole family celebrates that new addition.”

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