The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Prayers are heard when they come from the heart. Any kind gesture finds an echo in the Father’s Heart. Stop and ponder this for a moment, as it is weighty. Aren’t you profoundly moved whenever you witness random acts of kindness occurring within the human or animal species, or interspecies?

“Therein resides the appeal of the mystery of life. Whenever hearts get unlocked, truth, beauty, and goodness are manifested. There are many treasures buried deep within each individual that beg for a heart-opening activation.

“The more you are fascinated by the personality of your siblings, the more you are receptive to the unique contribution they have been conceived to make in YOUR life. Indeed, your unique talents are rare and highly prized commodities, as only YOU can generously share them. Have you ever looked at it this way?

“In your folk’s tales, loving fairy godmothers impart choice blessings to the babes under their care by waving their magic wand. It is a good metaphor for what takes place when the Father adorns you with a charming personality, custom-tailored in Paradise.

“It is a joyful, celebratory occurrence when yet another of your dormant gifts gets activated by a particular set of circumstances that unlocks its ‘deposit box.’ Many of you do not view themselves under the same sublime spotlight that the Father shines upon you. Even the shadow areas of your persona will eventually be absorbed by the light. They are the vaults that contain your undeveloped potentials.

“Dear ones, view life as a treasure hunt of great magnitude. Its terrain spreads ad infinitum—from this world to the hereafter. Be inquisitive; do not leave any stone unturned, as you may overlook some buried talents.

“Express gratitude for each blessing you become mindful of—undeniable proof of how much you are cared for and high the Divine Expectations are that you will intuit how to put them to the highest good, thus contributing to the welfare of your cosmic family.”

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