The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you enter the Stillness, put your mind in neutral and activate the gears of your heart. Your mind will be in a cruise control mode but your heart will be pumping the love substance, like a well oiled generator. Yes, your heart is a generator. Not only does your physical heart pump the life giving blood in your veins and arteries, but its spiritual counterpart is equipped to receive the Divine Love Substance and to distribute it in your being where it is needed so that it can be exuded out of you toward others and your environment.

“The emotional cardio system is not self-contained in you; it does not end with you. You are part of a much greater cardio circuit that you can ever fathom. As you ascend toward Paradise, you will come to realize more and more clearly how everything is so minutely intricate that the minute malfunction of a part of the organism creates a state of unbalance which has to be compensated by the other cells.

“Keep this in mind as well, as you can do your own balancing act when you encounter situations which are not love infused. You can consciously send love to these situations and lift them up with the correct attitude. You can be a situational healer and this is a selfless service which will bear fruit.”

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