“The chief inhibitors of growth are prejudice and ignorance.” [UB 1094:04]
Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about The Missing Piece. Many of you like to put together puzzles of increasing degrees of complexity. As you master the beginner’s level, you move on to the intermediate one and then the day comes when you are able to tackle a 3-D version.
“At each stage, your progress is based on trial and error. At times, you have to rethink your strategy as, while you thought you were nearing the completion of your project, the last piece does not fit and you realize you have misplaced a key piece.
“You can look at your quest for Truth from this perspective. As a human being, you are starting in life with an information kit put together by the previous generations and your parents. It is what they label as ‘truth.’ Yet, as you well know, it is far from being the absolute Truth and, being gifted with your own independent thinking, you come to the point where you are ready to ‘rethink’ the whole thing. It takes courage, humility, and receptivity.
“Indeed, it takes courage to go against the established flow of thinking, as it may cause others to feel threatened in their own perception of truth. When Copernicus asserted that the earth was round, he was put to death. Indeed, ‘prejudice and ignorance’ have delayed growth at multiple levels of the human experience, as well as rendered themselves guilty of heinous crimes. Prejudice and ignorance also nailed Jesus—the Bearer of Truth—to the cross they hatefully designed.
“Humility will lead you to the missing piece, as it will allow you to recognize that you may be wrong in your mental process and help you retrace your steps before you are too far gone in the jungle of misguided beliefs—the ones without an eternal future.
“When you reach that turning point of sincere ‘questioning,’ you can ‘receive’ what your mind was previously resisting. You will then be led to the ‘missing piece’ of one of your life’s puzzles. It will fit snugly and easily in your updated belief system and you will then ‘know’ that you are on the ‘right’ track.
“Dear ones, do not give up! Do not stubbornly hold onto beliefs that present contradictions within themselves, as they cannot be in alignment with the harmony of Truth. Be grateful that you are made aware of such mismatches and retrace your steps in order to find the error that misled you. This will be a blessing, not a curse, as it will ultimately bring you closer to the Truth. If the shoe does not fit, stop wearing it as it will blister your ego. Ignorance and prejudice are of this type of footwear. They are like wearing high heels that are far from being ergogenic, delay your progress and end up causing back pain, in dire need of a chiropractic adjustment.”