The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster:“As you know by personal experience, when you express the heartfelt desire to be homeschooled by Spirit, it is like turning in your enrollment form to this most private inner school. Rest assured, it will immediately receive the stamp of approval from on high.

How do we, your faculty of devoted teachers, devise your curriculum? Your spiritual progress is our top priority, and we customize the lessons based on your immediate needs for higher understanding. When you assimilate and implement them faithfully, it benefits the overall quality of your life and your harvest good grades. Our syllabus intends to make the students of life street-smarter while teaching them to think independently while being proactive and progressive.

Of course, success depends on how diligently you attend to your daily homework—your part of the deal. My role as your Guidance Counselor stops here. I will never do your homework for you, as it would be counterproductive. Laziness cannot yield dividends.

Bravely and resourcefully tackle the many pop-up tests that, unlike open-book exams, require your efforts and due diligence to master the subject matter.

Cheating is impossible. The truth is the foolproof and failproof reference to validate your progress. It fosters integrity and sincerity, which are the objective of our joint efforts.

Your gifts and talents will earn you a placement in advanced courses, while your areas of underachievement will get special attention without ever stunting your self-esteem. You must develop the can-do spirit that will take you to stellar levels of achievements—earning the many credits required to obtain your coveted Degree in Self-Mastery to our mutual satisfaction and elation.”

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