The Inner Sherpa



Though Adjuster: “What is an extreme make-over, spiritually speaking? There is a TV show called “Extreme Make-Over” where crews of people radically transform within a few days a home in dire need of upgrade and repair—the home of a needy family. The contrast between the ‘before’ and ‘after’ snapshots is indeed extreme and undeniable.

“In regard to the spiritual condition of the evolutionary creatures of time, much is in need of improvement as well. Sadly, there is very little awareness about it, as many live their lives on automatic pilot, unaware of their innate greater potentials.

“When awakening does not occur naturally as it does in those who have already gotten in touch with their inner life, Spirit has to conspire to shake that person awake and it is frequently done through life’s twists and turns—what you coin as ‘tribulations.’

“Such tribulations may last as long as it takes to get the desired outcome that is in the creature’s best interest, in spite of his or her perception of the opposite. God is never cursing His children—He is constantly blessing them with His Love and the amazing vision He holds within His Heart for each life.

“Initially, the Israelites would only have journeyed for a relatively short period to reach the ‘Promised Land.’ Yet, because they were in resistance—doubting, complaining and ungrateful—their journey was lengthened to 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. The older generation did not get to see the promised land, but they made great strides in their personal evolution.

“Once the lesson has been learned, there is no need to repeat it and some events that you consider as personal tribulations will dissipate, as they are no longer needed as experiential scaffoldings.

“Dear ones, by regularly going within to inspect the construction site of your spiritual self—the Cathedral under construction—you will undergo an amazing spiritual make-over where, little by little, your whole being will be beautified and its potentials will be actualized. Such a make-over will not go unnoticed, as such positive changes will be undeniable—to yourself and to others. Aren’t your curious to discover for yourself what vision the Father holds for your extreme make-over?”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

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