The Inner Sherpa



“No religionist may hope to attain the enlightenment of immortal wisdom who persists in being slothful, indolent, feeble, idle, shameless, and selfish.” [UB 1447:02]

Thought Adjuster: It is obvious that nothing good comes out of weaknesses and no progress comes out of laziness. Yet, many human beings have become expert at fooling themselves and others.

Why do I say that? Hypocrisy is the greatest stumbling block of all, as it is a very well disguised form of dishonesty. A hypocrite is a master at pretense. At the same time, he or she is a master at deception. Deceiving others eventually bleeds into the character of the deceiver and if not corrected, results in the sneakiest form of self-deception, of which Lucifer and his gang are the best examples.

It all started with spreading the lie and conspiracy theory that ‘the existence of the Heavenly Father is a myth intended to cheat you out your personal freedom…’ Over the ensuing millennia, this initial lie has snowballed and gained so much dangerous momentum that it triggered many avalanches of great magnitude, aiming at decimating eternal values.

Dear ones, isn’t it time to reclaim your integrity—the first personal value in a wide spectrum of values that simultaneously exhibit Truth, Beauty, and Goodness? Isn’t it time to dissent from the irrational voices that constantly clamor for your attention, inducing a paralyzing fear in you that prevents you from taking personal action? Don’t you see that fear is part of the conspiracy to keep you insignificant and to stunt the growth of your amazing personality?

Indeed, the enlightenment of immortal wisdom is the death warrant of lies, deception, hidden agendas, and more. Wake up from the torpor induced by mindless hypnotic activities and the excessive use of your digital devices! Turn off your TV sets that constantly spew bad news of questionable sources, driven by agendas that are meant to sap your morale and leave you hopeless and defenseless! Get off your couch! Do no longer act as if you were disabled!

Take a good look at yourself in the Truth mirror that I will hold in front of you upon your asking, I will help you undergo a beautiful makeover that will empower you and return to you the spiritual vibrancy that is yours to claim. Your life will assuredly take a turn for the better and no longer will you hide behind the smoke screen f self-lies, as the beauty of your being will be there for all to behold without resorting to elaborate concealers.”

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