The Inner Sherpa



“Truth is coherent, beauty attractive, goodness stabilizing.” [UB 43:05]

Thought Adjuster: “Isn’t it amazing that each individual awakening starts with the sincere question: “Who Am I?” This is what distinguishes a creature of eternal potential, gifted with an independently thinking mind, from the animal kingdom.

“Animals ‘are.’ They live in the moment; they have many feelings in common with human beings and this is the reason why they can entertain interspecies relationships. Yet, human beings, even though their life starts in the same physical environment as the one shared with the animal kingdom, are only passing through this reality before moving on to finer experiential planes. They are like the caterpillars that awaken one day to the apparently sudden change of discovering and unfolding their beautiful wings—wings that lift them up and introduce them to a very different and expanded experience.

“For those who never ask themselves this fundamental question—“Who Am I?”—life will keep revolving for the most part around their perception of their physical reality. By sincerely pondering the fact of your existence, you also set yourself to figure out your life’s purpose. This is a giant step in the right direction as a meaningful life is a life in harmony with the purpose set out at its ‘conception.’

“Indeed, each creature has been designed to play an interactive part in the giant cosmic organism—whether it is to provide the fertile soil needed for growth or to be a seedling growing into a mature tree that one day will bear its own crop of delectable fruits.

“As you live your life searching for meaningful answers to this fundamental question, you become more and more receptive to the many clues placed along your path. The day will come when you will be able to say: “I Am that I Am.” This will be a glorious day as you will have resolved your inner conflicts and will have discovered how to live in harmony on the inner and on the outer. This is the greatest personal enlightenment you—and only you—can receive, as you are a unique personality meant to live a unique life, connected to many other unique lives. All are unique but share common denominators that guide them to snuggly fit in the infinite cosmic mosaic that is eternally being expanded—one little colorful piece at a time, finding its God-given place in the divine matrix of perfection.”

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