The Inner Sherpa



“He is the greatest of warriors who overcomes and subdues himself.” [UB 1447:03]

Thought Adjuster: “A spiritual warfare is waged within each one of you. It is an inner boot camp that subjects you to unexpected trials and tribulations that may throw unsettling shadows on your outer reality depending on the quality of the ripple effect of your moment-to-moment decisions.

“How do you go about your ‘turf war’? Are you in denial that it is occurring, overlooking your inner disarray in the hope that it will magically take care of itself? Or are you acutely aware that remedial measures need to be taken, leading you to make great strides toward the acquisition of personal peace and bestowing more radiance on your inner world—shifting it to its own state of light and life?

“Indeed, you should take to heart this urgent life project and declare war to the baser propensities that stand in the way of a rich life experience. This is your exclusive prerogative and, upon asking, much assistance stands at your disposal from On High.

“You are equipped with spiritual ‘antennas’ able to pick up both AM and FM frequencies. Once you learn to operate on their AM mode, you will be connected to state-of-the-art celestial transmitters that will override the poor quality of the down-to-earth short-wave frequencies that bombard your material existence.

“Your greatest victory will take place once you fully silence the unreasonable inner voices that lure you into trouble, and commit your full allegiance to the voices of reason and wisdom that act as the grown-ups in you. This powerful inner process will be rewarded by the blessings of the inner peace that passes all understanding—a peace that will stick around, as your inner skirmisheswill have subsided.”

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