The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you have been hanging on to Me for dire life during the past few days, dealing with intense suppressed emotions. As you realize, this cannot last indefinitely and eventually these pent up emotions need to be dealt with.

“How do you do that? The picture came to your mind that the layers of difficult emotions are suffocating the positive and radiant emotions that your being wants to bring to the fore. A path needs to be opened for them to surface and to burst as a divine firework.

“Human beings are very complex beings as they combine within themselves different levels of being – from the mere physical body connected to the physical plane, to the emotional and spiritual bodies connected both to the Higher Realms and to your current realm of gathering experiences worthy of eternal survival while in a mortal body.

“Life at times shakes up the energies of your being at multiple levels and you need to be aware of what is happening so that you are not be carried away by the forces of the storm. I am your life line whenever you are being tossed around by the storms of life. These storms have a cleansing power and you will emerge from them more radiant and cleansed if you keep your vision centered on your eternal objective. Oil and water do not mix even though it may appear so whenever they are being seemingly emulsified by the hand that shakes their container.

“Yet, whenever the agitation stops, they very easily and instinctively separate and the oil emerges to the surface. It is a physical law. This law is paralleled by similar spiritual laws. The light will always strongly emerge out of the darkness and point the way.

“When the storm has settled, the survivors need to take much needed time to rest and to recuperate. Such a respite is their opportunity to gather new strengths and to store new energies that may be much needed to weather the next natural upheavals. Such is life – with its ups and downs. Yet, the ups will always have the upper hand and carry you to the surface, keeping you from drowning in fears and anxieties.”

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