The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, how can you be an effective instrument of the Divine? An instrument is entirely devoted to service. It has been conceived for service—nothing else. Each instrument has been created around a very specific purpose of altruistic service—not for self-service.

“What is your purpose? In order to solve the riddle of your own life purpose, go within and take inventory of what you have already identified as your God-given talents and passions. They are the multiple facets of the Divine instrument that you embody. They give rise to a feeling of deep gratitude and the desire to put them to a higher use. Ideally, an early identification of your strengths and passions is the best case scenario to write an interesting life script, based on manifold seized opportunities of meaningful service.

“God gave you a variety of gifts that are meant to be shared with your extended family as they can have an exponential impact that way. Everyone is an artist at some level and the innate desire to create beauty needs to be supported by a life lived intelligently.

“The Father is a God who excels at sharing His nature with His creation. He bestows His personality to His offspring and shares His gifts with them. In order to rise to God-like perfection, you need to follow a similar modus operandi—to engage your life in a sharing mode. The constant interaction between different poles is a powerful generator of higher energies if this interaction is love-infused. Share freely of your heart and it will eventually find the universal combination to unlock other hearts—Love IS the master key. Focus on love and you will multiply love. That, in turn, will send back to you a wonderful heart-warming echo.”

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