The Inner Sherpa



Teacher Uteah: “Love is the great connector, as it is stripped of any hint of discrimination. Divine Love is generously disbursed and all-encompassing. The Heavenly Father and the Light Beings He created in perfection are ‘all-loving.’

“It may be hard to fathom from your standpoint, as you live in a world fraught with disunity and antagonisms. Do not forget that each one of you has the constant option to choose love over animosity. It is what the Father eternally and consistently does. He too has a choice. Yet, it amounts to a mere potentiality that will never come to pass as far as He is concerned, as ALL HIS CHOICES are rooted in LOVE. Any lower vibrational frequencies are foreign to His Nature even though He witnesses their nefarious outworking in the ill-advised and misguided choices of His still imperfect free will creatures of time and space. What does it tell you?

“As you evolve toward the godlikeness of your persona, you will increasingly choose love over inferior demeanors. By doing so, your emotional root system will become firmly anchored in the all-pervading Love Substance that will act as the fertilizer of your soul, enticing you into making a positive impact wherever you are planted.

“You will become an inspiration for others to defect from the darkness to join forces with the light. It is what urgently needs to occur in your world. One loving free will decision at a time, valuablespiritual real estate will be reclaimed to effectively expand the Kingdom of Love on Earth.”

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