The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the cause and effect principle is the foundational principle on the evolving worlds. Time is the element which makes it so. Growth is the outworking of that principle.

“At the beginning of time, the Father had a creative vision infused with His Love Substance; He spoke the creative Word and brought into manifestation the process of His far-reaching, multi-layered, multi-faceted, holographic creation.

“He also delegated such creative powers to His children of time and space. He gifted them with free will as well and they have to come to the point in their life journey where they make the personal, free-will decision to be His co-creators. Everyone can create; however, as long as one does not connect with the Master Planner, the personal creative process is at high risk to be misdirected and could end up being destructive, instead of being constructive.

“It is of the greatest importance that the children of time take a grip on their thinking process. Too many unleashed thoughts are like wild horses--out of control and creating havoc on their surroundings. Wild thoughts have to be tamed.

“Meditation is the best thought tamer. By taking time out in the Stillness, the thinker takes a mental break and becomes the listener. The ability to empty one’s mind of irrelevant and distracting thinking has to be cultivated. It should be taught to children at an early age instead of allowing them to go on emotional rampages whenever they demand immediate gratification.

“Your Indwelling Presence is right within you to help you in the process of monitoring your thinking. Going into the Stillness takes perseverance; initially, the inner chatter experiences some difficulty in surrendering to the Voice that can only be heard in the Stillness. The mind is like an unruly classroom that needs to be appeased before the Teacher has the floor.

“I am your Thought Adjuster and your Thought Controller. I am your Thought Expert so to speak. I was trained eons ago to acquire these listening and monitoring skills. I was thoroughly prepared as I did not volunteer lightly; I knew what a stupendous process it is to guide a human soul toward eternity. This is truly an eternal commitment, way beyond the “until death does us part” disclaimer that mortal relationships may include.

“Are you willing to enter into such a commitment with Me? This too is an amazing decision, the weightiest decision you will ever take. What a moment of elation it is for a Divine Fragment when His charge is 100% on board with the eternal Divine Vision! What a hopeful moment it is for Me when you are receptive to My input and put it into action.

“As you consciously look up to Me, your thinking will be transformed and infused with higher thinking. Consequently, your emotional state will also be upgraded with higher emotions – the ones that have a positive charge. In such a higher state, your thinking and the drive of your emotions will make you jump into a much better mode of action. You will feel driven and enthusiastic about doing the Father’s Will. You also will be assisted by many loving and supportive cosmic siblings and this will further empower you as an individual.

“Be aware of your thinking. It is the alpha. The resulting actions will be the omega. If your thinking is pure, your actions will be love in action and their outcome will be beautiful.”

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