The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You are asking Me to expand on the topic of pain. Indeed, pain is part of the human experience at various levels. Yet, there are differences in the way human beings are able to process it and heal it. Physical pain is the pain that you feel when your physical body is out of balance and dealing with painful symptoms or injuries that are meant to bring your attention to areas in need of healing. Once healed, the pain dissipates and the only remnant of that experience is a memory—the knowledge that you went through physical pain; yet it no longer has a debilitating charge.

“For instance, a woman giving birth undergoes painful birth pangs. Yet, as soon as the child is born, they are forgotten and no longer affect her. On the other hand, dealing with emotional pain is a much more complex process, as the situations that triggered it may or may not have been adequately processed. PTSD is an example of that. Even though the traumatic agent may be in the past, the resulting emotional scar remains trapped within and is frequently ‘resurrected’ in the emotional experience of the traumatized individual. Those are still painful memories.

“Dear ones, keep a close watch on your emotional body. As you revisit past challenges, some of them will just be past memories of pain, with which you no longer identify, as you adequately dealt with them. You no longer harbor their unpleasant and painful qualities and are able to talk about them without becoming ‘emotional’—a sure sign that they have been processed.

“On the other hand, if you become agitated when recalling some of your past painful memories, this is a red flag that they are still emotionally charged. They are stored in your ‘pending’ emotional basket et need to be revisited in order to be released in the out-basket—once and for all. Instead of keeping them trapped within as painful heartburns, you can ‘burp’ them out of your being and thus set them free and release their inner pressure.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

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