The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, life on this planet is often referred to as a Valley of Tears; many tears are indeed being shed—many cleansing tears. The saltiness of your tears is there to remind you at the same time that you are the salt of the earth. Tears can be shed in self-pity or tears can be shed as an offering to the heart of the Father from the hearts of His children. Everything you offer to the Father in thanksgiving is being transmuted to higher vibrations as gratitude is a wonderful gift wrap.

“Whenever you are going through difficult times, turn within and express your heartfelt gratitude for the precious lesson that is being taught to you through that cleansing process. The Father has to place you in situations where you realize some of the changes you need to make in your life. Whenever challenges arise, they are meant to be factors of adjustment. As your Thought Adjuster, I can help you adjust your thinking when faced with unexpected situations. The card game of life is dealing you many hands—some great and some that may appear lousy. Yet, with each new hand, you have to devise a strategy on how to turn it into a winning hand. This is the Can-Do attitude you need to demonstrate in any given situation. Difficult hands are the best teachers even though they are at first being met with resentment and resistance.

“Once you stop being in resistance, you start looking for solutions—soul-utions. This is how soul growth takes place. Once you move on to other realms, I will be the keeper of your good memories and of your spiritual and emotional achievements. The painful memories associated with this difficult times will have faded and your being will be in a very positive place—the wonderful panorama you get to enjoy after a tough climb. You will experience an all new array of positive emotions and bursts of overwhelming gratitude as you will be able to deeply realize all the blessings that your life brought you. Do learn to turn challenges into blessings. Stay in a mode of gratitude as this is the secret to this transmutation. It is the alchemy which turns charcoal into gold, which turns stones into multi faceted dazzling diamonds.

“By challenging you--by pushing you to your limits--, the Father expands your being and shows you that you are a much bigger personality than the one you pictured yourself to be. The Father, through Me, is actively engaged in unfolding your truth, your beauty and your goodness—your infinite love potential. The Father has so many love triggers in store for you and for all sentient beings. Look at life as a treasure hunt and I will join you to share your excitement and contribute to the Father’s glorification.”

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