Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, today I would like to address the issue of Grief. You just lost the physical presence of your father and you are slowly processing that fact. Whenever loved ones cross over, they leave a void behind them – the void of their love and affection – the void of their unique and irreplaceable personality. The more a person was present in your life, the greater the void.
“The intensity of your grief is a way to measure the degree to which you feel that absence; sometimes you take certain relationship for granted as they are habitual presences in your life and you do not stop frequently enough to ponder the impact these individuals have on your life. As their absence sinks in, you become increasingly aware of how much they meant to you and you miss them in small things as well as in big ones. You hang on to the happy memories, to the moments when you had a relaxed relationship with them. The challenges of the relationship seem no longer to matter as you are more focused on the pros of the departed one rather than the cons.
“Our Heavenly Father only focuses on the pros; this is why He is so uplifting in His interaction with His children. The cons—the shadow areas—of His children have no eternal value and the Father knows that they will be dispelled in time by the power of His Love and Light.
“It would be a big step forward if His human offspring would learn to focus on the pros as well. By focusing on the dark side of things, you empower these negatives. Learn to focus on the light in all the areas of your life: My presence in you is Light; the goodness in others is Light; the silver lining entailed in each situation is Light.
“The more you find the Light in all the layers of your being, the more enlightened you become and the more you can share your inner light with others. As you gradually become more radiant, the easier it becomes for others to be naturally drawn to the Light which emanates from you. This is why “you should not hide your light under a bushel.” So many lights have been dimmed by closed mindedness and closed heartedness. As a light worker, you can witness to others about the Father’s Light, His Guiding Light.”