The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, I am your spiritual chiropractor. Whenever you turn to Me without any resistance, I can help mold your mind to be more beautiful and healthier. You go to a chiropractor for an adjustment whenever you are aware of painful spots in your body and because you know that it is the right person to see to help you relieve these painful knots.

“As you become aware of emotional, mental, or spiritual blockages in your being, I am the One specifically trained to help you relieve them. What matters is that you are in a state of allowance—not in one of resistance. As you well know, a chiropractic intervention necessitates that your body be relaxed so that it can be manipulated by the Chiropractor without sustaining painful injuries.

“This is why you have to visit a specialist in that field—not a layperson who could cause you harms. From My higher perspective, I have a clear view of your mental and emotional skeletons. I can see where there is pain and I can help you relieve it. Such a relief may not be instantaneous and may require many special sessions with Me. It can also be compared to attending physical therapy. The therapist determines the areas in need of improvement and devises a program to help you improve your mobility. After your work session, you will be sent home with some homework. If you are diligently following through with the assigned treatment plan, you will start noticing improvements. This may be a slow process; yet it is moving you in the right direction.

“Come to Me and relay to Me any symptoms that require My help in order for themto be relieved once and for all. Be honest with yourself and with Me as it is the most important prerequisite for positive change in your life. You cannot change what you do not perceive as in need of change. Whenever you feel resistance in your being, it is a clear sign that there is an area there in need of attention. Acknowledge it and express your intention to improve upon it. This is the green light I have been waiting for. This is your first step in the right direction as to that specific issue. Denial is your worst enemy.

“As this year is coming to a close and you are at the starting gate of a brand new year, it is a most auspicious time to go within to take an internal inventory. Be objective and truthful. From there, define a few clear intentions based on what you feel is most important for your personal development. Write them down so as to place them in your material reality and look at them frequently so as not to lose your focus and your direction during the 365 new opportunities of next year. Start each day by rededicating yourself to following through with them and end each day by measuring your day against these intentions. Use them as a mantra. This will help you tremendously in staying on course and you will unfailingly undergo a healing process and become the witness of your own growth. This is My wish for you.”

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