The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The question asked is what does mankind NEED TO KNOW? This is a weighty question that has been pondered over the ages. A good education is based on the need-to-know of the students. What good would it do to tell them about faraway potential challenges, while they have not yet mastered the present ones? Rather than encouraging them, the task at hand would overwhelm and discourage them. This is the reason why in His Wisdom, the Father reveals Truth on a need-to-know basis, so that it meets the current needs of His growing children and equips them for the future realities they are heading toward.

“Jesus incarnated on your planet to bring the most relevant revelations to mankind—what they NEEDED to know in order to fix their state of division and dysfunctionality and establish a true connection with the Father.

“He brought two essential and mighty elements of Truth to their attention: The Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of Good. This is what everyone needs to know. You are planetary siblings, belonging to an even greater cosmic family. Act as such! God is not your unyielding Master. He is your loving and merciful Parent.

“Indeed, mankind NEEDED TO KNOW this and yet, such basic revelations were so revolutionary at the time that their Messenger was put to death. Indeed, with knowledge comes responsibility—response-ability.

“Dear ones, ask questions that are relevant to your current situation in order to be guided in a very practical, doable and effective way. Do not peek over your neighbors’ fence, as their circumstances are not yours. Search for role models who have mastered similar challenges as the ones you are currently facing. Their experience validates their words of advice and makes them worthy of your trust.

Be assured that what you need to know will be timely revealed to you, one way or another. Yours is to be on the outlook and to pick up on the clues that will unfailingly be dropped on your path to guide your footsteps. Happy treasure hunt!”

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