The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that only compassion can level the walls of separation that have been erected by so many fragile egos on this planet. Yes, these walls have been meant to be protective walls in a seemingly hostileworld. This is due to the deceptive tactics of the Lucifer rebellion. Lucifer was not reluctant to claim that there is no God. He instigated the initial separation from Source. He intentionally severed the divine umbilical cord that was connecting the Father to His offspring.

“By planting seeds of deception in many minds—human and celestial—he generated universe wide confusion and havoc; he tainted the pure waters of life; he contaminated the pool of knowledge. Since then, the separation has snowballed; many souls “claimed their independence” from the Master Plan as they failed to connect the dots and to realize that the gigantic Master Plan is a cohesive plan of incorporation and unification.

“The time has now come to reveal Lucifer for the self-centered deceiver that he was. His thirst for personal aggrandizement is what threw a mighty wrench in the process of evolution. It created many unhealthy ripples and eventually, many beings forgot their divine origin.

“If a prince was kidnapped from the royal palace at a very young age, he wouldn’t recall his aristocratic origins. If he was raised in a very ordinary family, he would unconsciously lower the bar of his expectations as his self-image might be impacted by his current living situation.

“Yet, the day may come when the “Missing Child” poster distributed by His grieving Parents will ring a bell in someone’s memory. The process will then be initiated for the child to look for his birth family and to come home.

“Once a child finds his way home, he will join forces with His Parents to also bring his siblings back to the loving parental bosom. He will be moved by the compassion he feels for them. It may take some efforts of persuasion at the beginning as it is hard for anyone to leave the perceived safety of their comfort zone for the promises of the unknown. Yet, soon enough, the wisdom of such a decision will be established by the tangible improvement in the emotional quality of life of the child and by the growing joy in his/her heart.

“Whenever you are on the right path, joy is your steady companion. Whenever your life is devoid of joy, take the time to investigate what is constricting the flow of that positive emotion in your being. Where are you conflicted? Each inner conflict has to be resolved in order for you to find the peace that surpasses all understanding and that is yet another validation that you are now in the presence of the highest spiritual influences available to you and that have been dispatched into your life by the Source Itself.”

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