The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that human beings are mini generators of thoughts, emotions and actions. This is what the Life Force is all about. It activates and energizes. It promotes an unending creative process.

“Each creature receives its marching orders at its conception. Embedded in any ‘conception’ is an initial ‘concept’—an underlying purposeful idea. Many living creatures are naturally following their blueprint. Ants act like ants and bees act like bees. They are not confused as to their life purpose. They live instinctively and yet purposefully.

“In the elaborate creative process, small organisms appeared first as a foundation for larger one. Eventually, the human species finally followed suit and distinguished itself from the animal kingdom by its ability make free will decisions that affect its destiny. Some basic instincts such as the one of self-preservation are present to assist humanity in its evolution. Human beings have been endowed with the ability to think for themselves and to grasp invisible values and realities. These abilities were meant to assist them in establishing their sovereignty over the plant and animal kingdoms. However, they need to be kept in check by Wisdom and the application of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness so that their world can survive the tests of time.

“The Creator is All-Wise and His decisions are in alignment with this Wisdom. Human beings are assisted by the Adjutant Mind Spirit of Wisdom but it does not come easily to them. It is of primordial importance that humanity becomes receptive to the Higher Spiritual Influences that are at all times available to tap into. Why go blindly through life when you can be enlightened by the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, and their Helpers? It would be like persisting on doing things your way while there are much more effective ways of addressing them—the Father’s Way.

“Isn’t it time to surrender your small egos to the Greater Plan? Isn’t it worth asking personal questions to your Maker? He is the One who knows how to activate you. He is the One who provides you with the Life Force required to take action. His eternal design has not been meant to be violated and distorted by misguided decisions. It has been conceived to see you come into your full potential and live an eternal life based on Truth, Beauty, and Goodness as such a life is 100% riding on His coat-tails. Much excitement has been planned for each one of you if you only let go of your fearful reservations. Look at each new day with joyful anticipation. “The psychology of a child is naturally positive, not negative.” [UB 1131:04]

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