The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you emerge from a deep meditation, you feel the desire to share with others what enhanced the quality of your Stillness time. You came to realize that truthfully sharing of yourself is the key. Indeed, as you learn to express the truth—and nothing but the truth—of you being, you can fully let go of yourself.

“As you noted, it is very hard to reach that point in human relationships—except maybe to some degree with those you call your ‘soulmates.’ The reason for that is that there is always some vulnerability present in human relationships. Your lack of confidence, your desire to be on your best behavior, the assumptions you may make about others’ reactions, and, at times, their unexpected strong reactions that have an immediate consequence to stopyou—sometimes in mid-sentence.

“As you just experienced, you do not have to worry about any of that when you deal with your Divine Connections who are all heart and ears. They do not judgeyou—They love you for who you are and who you are becoming. They honor your godlikeness and brush over your imperfections, knowing that they will fade in time as you actualize your potentials.

“You can be entirely honest in such a relational setting. And by being so, you are unlocking many closed doors within your being. You are sharing of yourself, without any conceit and this sets you free. Indeed, self-expression is healing when done with the highest intentions. It allows you to dissolve your inner pockets of resistance. It gives you a much greater spiritual and emotional breathing space.

“Dear ones, rather than shying away from establishing a genuine relationship with your Maker, set your course in that direction. This will be the best decision you will ever take, as it is the One and Only destination for your eternal career.”

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