The Inner Sherpa



“Human love may indeed be reciprocal, but divine love is outgoing in all its satisfaction-seeking.” [UB 1739:06]

Thought Adjuster: “You have been wondering how the spiritual influences work together. Just as each creature is an essential piece of the creative mosaic that stretches universes upon universes and spans ages upon ages, there is another mind-blowing level to that cosmic work of art.

Indeed, Spirit works with Spirit. What do I mean by that? Soul growth implies a spiritual connection with Me – your Indwelling Spirit, your Inner Guide, and your Eternal Partner. As human beings awaken to their divine birthright, they set out to reconnect with their Family of Origin. They come to the realization that it is an extended family: God is the First Parent – a Parent with a staggering and ever-increasing number of offspring. Indeed, who would want to put an end to the dissemination of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness? Who would wish for the infinite expression of Divine Love to stop?

Jesus, a Divine Son, always redirected all credit to His Heavenly Father. This is worth pondering. He also said: “The Father is in Me and I am in the Father” and “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” If you put two and two together by drawing logical deductions from these statements, you could view them as follows:

Jesus shone the Light of Truth by breaking a spiritual trail for humankind to follow – a trail leading to the Father, to the Indwelling and very personal Fragment of the Father who lives in each one of you. He did not point to a faraway and seemingly unreachable and mysterious Father. He pointed to the place within you where the Father established one of His many outposts – in your mind and in your heart, thus fecundating your embryonic soul.

Again, this is the reason why Love, Compassion, and Gratitude are so essential for a life lived to the fullest. “I am the Life” was another pronouncement of Jesus. Doesn’t it make sense that a full life is a life lived ‘truth-fully’? The many high spiritual influences available to you fit snugly into their own complementary mosaic. Whether you grasp their complexity does not really matter. What matters is that you look at the greater picture and are receptive to whatever spiritual help comes your way, as it ultimately can be retraced to your loving Heavenly Father, Who anticipates all your needs and provides for them.”

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