The Inner Sherpa



"Progress demands development of individuality; mediocrity seeks perpetuation in standardization.” [UB 557:13]

Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about the above statement. Indeed, your individuality should be your pride and joy. It is what stands out about yourself, what differentiates you from any other being in the whole wide super-universe. Ponder this for a moment. That will provide a much-needed greater perspective to those who ever doubt their self-worth—who fall victims to severe ‘identity crises.’

“On the most foundational level, you are similar to your siblings, as you all belong to the human race. Your bodily frames are similar; you have the same basic needs for food and shelter; you breathe the same air. Yet, even though you share these common denominators, your bodies exude diversity in the color of your hair, your eyes, your skin, the dimensions of your body, and much more.

“The same goes for your inner frame that is invisible to the eye. You have been endowed with similar inner spiritual ‘organs’ that are the necessary foundations for a being with eternal potentials. Yet, the Father has designed for each one of you a very different and colorful personality garment—another expression of your uniqueness.

“Sadly, many of you would rather wear a uniform in order to anonymously blend in with the masses rather than expressing their unique individuality. You could compare the resulting ‘mass expression’ to a bouquet of field flowers—beautiful in their togetherness, but pretty anonymous individually.

“Progress demands development of individuality; mediocrity seeks perpetuation in standardization.” You have been created as an individual expression of the Father. When you finally take the courageous step to stop hiding in the crowd, you will come in touch with your own fragrance and you will exude a similar beauty as the one of a single breathtaking flower—a centerpiece on its all right.

“Dear ones, learn to go within to identify what is ‘special’ about you. Rather than covering it up, express it! By doing so, your quality of life will be greatly enhanced, as you will take advantage of the many life’s synchronicities that will propel you on your intended life’s track, activating your qualities, rather than catering to the perpetuation of mediocrity in your life’s experience. Passion is a great drive for progress, while the lack thereof deprives you of getting in touch with your own greatness—your individual embodiment of the values of Truth, Beauty and Goodness.”

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