The Inner Sherpa



“Jesus replied: “Thomas, Thomas, how long before you will acquire the ability to listen with the ear of the spirit?”[UB, 142:7.17]

Thought Adjuster: “By definition, listening is the ACT of paying attention to sound, of hearing something with thoughtful attention, of giving consideration and being alert.

Without realizing it, many are pretend listeners, as they are not fully engaged. They prematurely formulate repartees in their mind or interrupt the flow of their interlocutor’s message by interjecting their input. They are distracted listeners—not actively engaged.

When you confide in Me, I give you My undivided attention, thus facilitating your unhindered self-expression. If I interrupted you, it would make you feel unheard and frustrated—certainly not relieved and uplifted. I relish that you turn to Me for advice or to share your most intimate thoughts and feelings.

Likewise, practice being a godlike listener by allowing others to candidly vent what they need to release. Many are saved from imploding emotionally by being allowed to confide their inner turmoil to goodhearted and non-judgmental souls. From that perspective, your act of listening is also a gift and a loving service.

Moreover, by listening, you glean valuable information. It yields spiritual credits in your life. Once your counterpart is done confiding in you, it will be your turn to speak IF solicited.”

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