The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you are pondering the fact that the Father is ever-present in time and omnipresent in space. There are days when you wonder how involved He is in the planetary affairs and when you long for His Presence in your life. Stop and look around you! Who is holding the planets? How does gravity come about? How does your body work without your interference? Where does your imagination come from? Who programmed your mind and personality?

“The answer is obvious. There is a much greater and original intention behind the scene of your life. Who arranged the set? There is a Director of the play of life—the One who imagined a colorful and eventful original script and yet, did not copyright it. This script is being played out in the cosmic playground and each creature participates as it has been assigned a very precise role based on its character and innate qualifications.

“The divine script allows—even encourages—improvisation. Improvisation is at its best when it originates in the heart of the actor. A heartfelt performance is what makes a show successful, as it pulls at the observers ‘heartstrings and keeps them emotionally engaged. Indifference and aloofness have no partin that show.

“As the Director, the Father is closely involved with what unfolds. He gives pointers to His child actors. He coaches them and provides them with special tutors to help them improve in their areas of greatest challenges. Once in a while, He presents them with a pop test in order to check their progress and test the fortitude of their character. He does so mercifully—not to crush them but to build up their resilience and resourcefulness.

“Many values and virtues can only be developed in the face of adversity. How would you develop strong muscles if you never lifted weights and if these weights were not incrementally increased? Trust in the Divine Guidance and it will be much easier for you to live 'in the flow' and to improve upon the performance of your life. The Father can only help those who allow Him to do so and He gains spiritual territory each time another soul decides to willingly enroll in the Divine Mega Production—a drama rich in twists and turns and that assuredly will earn some Oscars.”

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