The Inner Sherpa



“If any man chooses to do the divine will, he shall know the way of truth.” [UB 1118:04]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear children, do not doubt My accessibility. I can be found anywhere and everywhere. I am present in the past, the present, and the future. I AM.

“As your awakening souls long to find Me, they already have. Indeed, I dwell within you and My DNA is deeply embedded in All There Is. Surely, some among you have tried to topple Me, unwisely asserting their free will power and generating much chaos in the process, as chaos is the result of inner disharmony, unbalance, and disconnection from My parental heart.

“I will not withdraw My Love. Rather, in instant forgiveness, I will devise ways of bringing all my beloved creatures back to My fold. I am not the One issuing death warrants, as I am all about eternal Life. I am all about happy unfolding and enduring happiness—the eternal now and forever after.

“My unruly and rebellious children are the ones, who unconsciously issue their own death sentences. Yet, I incessantly work to save them from themselves, as long as they are not consciously walking in inequity.

“Dear ones, you live in My Heart. I have your number—your private line. I always strive to catch your attention—especially in those moments of dangerous choices. Listen to My Voice of Wisdom. Listen to the Spirit of Truth. Listen to the loving prompts of the Holy Spirit. By doing so, you will be flooded with Our Love and our Light. They will take you to My Light House.

“Follow the Light! Be in My Light! Open your heart so that it can be flooded with My Love! Choose enduring values over lies and deceit! Make informed choices, rather than impulsive decisions! Remain grounded, balanced and God-centered! You will be amazed to which heights of achievement this will take you. You are My beloved children, in whom I have much at stake—in whom I have much faith.”

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