The Inner Sherpa



“Never forget there is only one adventure which is more satisfying and thrilling than the attempt to discover the will of the living God, and that is the supreme experience of honestly trying to do that divine will.” [UB 1732:04]

Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that your life undergoes a series of activations—manifold and ever ongoing. Indeed, such is the case. You can easily validate it by observing the human development from a tiny embryo to a full grown adult and its many physical transformations.

“A baby can only start eating solid food after the growth of his teeth. Prior to that, the ingestion of solid foods would put him at great risk of choking. This is the reason why you cannot rush evolution—at any level. In the spiritual arena, it is harder for human beings to detect the Divine Wisdom underlying the evolutionary process. Many times, humans are impatient to test their wings and many do so prematurely. This results in unwelcome and often painful experiences.

“Your Master Jesus Himself was patiently waiting for “His hour to come”—for the divine green light to initiate His public mission. He was not idly ‘biting his time.’ Instead, He was honing his skills by investing himself in the loving and caring service of his physical family and those He came in contact with. He also learned to make a living and acquired many skills in the process.

“If you look back at your life, you will see how many gifts and talents were activated along the way in a very timely manner. The Divine Vision for the entire creation is a constant activation process through which more Truth, Beauty and Goodness are being expressed and there is an infinite supply still to be manifested in divine timing.

“Aren’t you impressed by what has been unfolding in your own life? Aren’t you humbled to see the manifestation of so many unsuspected potentials? And there is so much more to come for each one of you! Keep applying yourself to be the best you can be at any given moment. This is how growth takes place—imperceptibly and yet very really. As you master more and more facets of your being, more will be activated as you will have proven that you can handle more personal revelations. Doesn’t it make your life thrilling? The Father Himself never stops creating and developing new visions to adorn and amplify His creation. Just as He does, learn to use your imagination and your creativity to generate positive manifestations in your life. ‘More shall be given to those who have’ as they become increasingly trust worthy.

“Many limitations are imposed to the life on your immature world—and for good reasons. Wise parents will gift their children according to their mental, physical and emotional capacities; they will keep some toys safely tucked away until such time the child has been thoroughly educated as to how to use them safely. And the same goes for many future abilities that you will eventually develop—one at a time so that each one can be a building block toward the next chapter of your evolution.

“The Father has many gifts in store for each one of His children—according to their individual life plan and current needs. Discover the gifts contained in each moment and to put them to good use. This is all what is required from you. No more, no less.”

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