The Inner Sherpa



“Revealed truth, personally discovered truth, is the supreme delight of the human soul.” [UB1459:04]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, allow your mind to guide you into your heart. It can become the servant of your heart. Isn’t it a new concept? It can be like the usher in a movie theater who guides your steps with his flashlight and helps you find your assigned seat in the darkness when the show is already under way.

“The Show of Life started a long time ago on this planet and you made your entry much later. You had to become acquainted with what occurred B.Y. [Before You] in order to catch up with the story line—the current events. Your parents and teachers were the ones doing the briefing based on their own understanding.

“You took then your position in this Relay for Life as it was meant to be a team effort—not a mere individual effort. Much ignorance and misunderstanding as to its true objective caused the element of self-centered competition to make its entry in the arena. Ever since, many participants have been over focused on establishing a material kingdom—a kingdom were the physical senses deserted their rightful servant status and clamored for an undeserved royal treatment. Such kingdoms are unfit to survive and many came and went.

“The only everlasting Kingdom is the Kingdom of the Heart, fortified by the Golden Rule. It ensures that each individual life be respected and promoted, that it be put to good use, rather than abused. The heart is the destination and the mind’s job description is to redirect the thought traffic toward the heart.

“Eventually, once your mind has been sufficiently tamed, with your wholehearted collaboration, I will become your Thought Controller and ensure that no stray thoughts can pitch their tent in your mental estate. Only God-centered thinking will be allowed to colonize in your precious mind and this will promote the quickening of your heart. Good feelings have to be nurtured with good thinking.”

Note: translation of quote on picture: "The ideal would be to have the heart in the head and the brain in the chest. This way, we would think with love and love with intelligence."

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