The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “At times, you feel stuck in a losing predicament when battling reoccurring situations beyond your control. How do you think Jesus felt when dealing with the critical issues He encountered during His life in the flesh?

“He always remained keenly aware of the possibility of being thrown out of His emotional equilibrium. He never fell into iniquity but witnessed its outworking by observing the frailties of human nature.

“Jesus personified all-around integrity. He mastered it, as each one of you is called to do. Born as an infant of the realm, He had to figure things out for Himself—just as you have to.

“He was a Divine Son, incarnated on Earth to resourcefully role-model the subtleties of integrity to humankind. It is the reason why, in all your tribulations, the best questions to ask yourself is, “How would Jesus act in my stead?”

“By doing so, you illuminate your perspective and allow for His Indwelling Spirit of Truth to disclose to you the divine way of being human. Jesus experienced first-hand a wide gamut of trying situations. He operated from a place of humble surrender to the Divine Will, never succumbing to the lures of material wealth or prestigious public positions. He never placed Himself into compromising situations, and always He steered away from the dangers of isolation.

“He is fully-versed in what may trouble you and will help you come up with a constructive ‘re-soul-ution'—a viable plan of action surging from the depth of your soul and in alignment with the highest good of all those involved. It is why, in spite of their discomfort, work your way through personal challenges. Whatever agitates you is about to teach you something relevant. Turn to your Inner Teacher, and He will proactively guide you in Light, Love, and Truth.”

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