The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about the Spirit of Counsel. Indeed, Mother Spirit made that spiritual influence available to all. It is one of Her seven Adjutant Mind Spirits. Knowing this, you can understand that there is a very important function being carried out by that spiritual entity.

“Indeed, Counsel is very underutilized in your world. It is also greatly misunderstood, as many of you equate it with providing advice to others, without their solicitation, which then fails to bring about the anticipated positive outcome.

“Just as someone voluntarily enlists the assistance of an expert counsel in the areas in which he or she lacks personal qualifications, it is yours to enlist Higher Counsel—the Divine Counselors freely provided to all the children of time by their Mother Spirit. Sincerely asking for advice is always an act of humility. It is admitting that you do not know it all. It is your ego stepping out of its own way—out of your head—and asking for enlightened guidance.

“Seek out the advice of those you appreciate for their honesty and integrity. This is the only advice worth soliciting. Turning to others for counsel is enlisting willingly in a support group. This group consciousness strengthens you as validated by the variety of support groups that exists on your planet.

“Isolation can turn into a soul poison, as it is devoid of precious feedback. If Judas Iscariot had been less proud, he would have come to Jesus to confide about his inner turmoil and would have gotten saving advice.

“Dear ones, whenever you feel stuck in an area of your life, look for wise counsel. You can turn to your peers and you can most certainly turn to Spirit. Spirit will also work through your peers. What it takes is the sincerity and humility of your searching heart. Such counsel will be the lifeboat that you need to carry you over dangerous skiffs. As you implement the precious advice in your life, it also becomes part of your experiential treasure chest—a treasure that you will generously share with others. Such is the ripple effect of the integration in your being of such loving and constructive feedback.”

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